Exposing the TRUTH of RAMPANT Female Adultery, Paternal Cuckcoldry and Massive Inherent Gynocentric Legal Bias Against MEN – Just the facts so you women can finally “GET IT”.


Dear _______,
women simply don’t want the cat out of the bag. They don’t want to acknowledge reality because that would justify/explain the existence of and the refusal of men to ‘man up’ and start families. They get no protection even in divorce court from female adultery or any kind of restitution for paternity fraud. Women also don’t have to prove how they spend child support; and sometimes the alimony they get is ridiculous.

Cries of ‘not all women are like that’ will not be accepted as a successful counter-argument because of it’s illogical nature: If women would not be willing to give up the protection that they get from anti rape laws even though not all men are like that, then don’t expect men to not want protection from adultery and paternity fraud if they could have it. Women who proceed from such double standards are too vast in number. And apparently so are many judges, male and female. The lesson to learn: Treat good men like trash, and more good men will walk away. It’s that simple.

Given that so many women have refused to acknowledge these problems good men face, or even lack the intelligence to spot the absurdity of the argument, I don’t expect you to get it. Kay Hymowitz didn’t either years ago. But thanks for playing. Until paternity fraud is outlawed and punished and all duped men are all financially compensated, and until divorce courts stop giving almost everything to ex wives even though they cheated, the few good men left will refuse to date or marry women. We want out rights. We want our protection. We want to be treated fairly.

Until that happens and becomes enshrined in law and in case law WE ARE NOT BUDGING! Any attempts to demonize us for warning young men about the rigged court system, the female apologetics and excuses for female adultery and paternity fraud will be taken as attempts to cover up these truths and taken as tokens of typical feminist hypocrisy. Such hypocrisy will simply be another argument for avoiding modern western women.

Any stats about how more divorces may or may not be filed due to complaints of MALE INFIDELITY that women found out about, as opposed to FEMALE INFIDELITY that men found out about, will NOT be accepted. Why? Simple: True stats have shown that women cheat just as much as men if not more, but are just better at hiding it. So in other words, men may have divorced wives not knowing they actually cheated.

Many adulterers admit their ex husbands never found out. This is not about who was able to find out what. That is not an accurate barometer. This is about what actually happened and what people admitted and what stats therefore actually showed REGARDLESS of being found out or not. Next time, try not misinterpreting stats or misunderstanding data. You will look more credible.
Are the Days of Female Paternity Fraud Over? http://familyfraud.com/are-the-days-of-female-paternity-fraud-over.htm

Paternity fraud rampant in U.S. http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=34861

Should We Doing more to Expose Paternity Fraud?  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/relationships/fatherhood/11839479/Should-we-be-doing-more-to-expose-paternity-fraud.html

Mothers must tell the truth


Mommy’s little secret http://www.canadiancrc.com/newspaper_articles/Globe_and_Mail_Moms_Little_secret_14DEC02.aspx

Cheating mums’ DNA test By Clair Weaver September 09, 2007 12:00am http://whatmenthinkofwomen.blogspot.ca/2007/09/up-to-200000-children-in-australia-do.html

Marc Rudov, Paternity Test and Gyno-Judicial System. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7fV32dRu6U

I was tricked into raising another man’s son.  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/fatherhood/i-was-tricked-into-raising-another-mans-son-now-i-cant-even-see/

Paternity tests rob women of their hold over men Melanie McDonagh http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/Features/Focus/article183263.ece

The Curious Case of Staff Sergeant Parsons (Not HIS DNA – STILL MUST PAY!!) http://rhinoden.rangerup.com/the-curious-case-of-staff-sergeant-parsons/
Infidelity service Ashley Madison says the honeymoon is over fast for GTA newlyweds, particularly women, as they hunt affairs http://www.thestar.com/living/article/791851–female-newlyweds-flock-to-join-cheaters-club

Michelle Langley http://www.womensinfidelity.com/ note: In this book we find that women can’t tell men how they really feel. Great. So they feel trapped in a loveless marriage. I didn’t know that was an excuse to cheat.

I’m a Female Serial Cheater and Here’s 6 Things I’ve Learned about Relationships  https://thoughtcatalog.com/anonymous/2014/07/im-a-female-serial-cheater-and-here-are-6-things-ive-learned-about-relationships/

User comments on Michelle’s book http://www.womensinfidelity.com/landingletters.html look for Kathy Levington from Boston. Look at the last few sentences. To which I say, “I guess this not only shoots the feminist myth down that women are naturally more inclinded to being faithful, but I guess I better do her a favour and not bore her by marrying her since I’ll be the only monogamous one in the relationship.”

The Feminine Sexual Counter-revolution and its Limitations book review by F. Roger Devlin http://whatmenthinkofwomen.blogspot.com/2008/10/why-women-enjoy-blaming-others-for.html
Amityville Horror director sues ex-wife after she duped him into believing daughter was his for 17 years http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1312530/Amityville-Horrors-Andrew-Douglas-sues-ex-wifeduped-daughter.html
Man Gets The Last Laugh Dies And Leaves Wife With Nothing http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/c2lgk/my_brother_died_and_left_me_everything_in_his /
True wife confessions: How women’s real-life stories became the new internet sensation http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/men-women/true-wife-confessions-how-womensreallife-stories-became-the-new-internet-sensation-1757228.html

Why My Shirley Valentine Baby Is My Greatest Love But Also My Ultimate Betrayal http://www.amren.com/news/2007/07/why_my_shirley/

Vasectomy: $400. Speechless look on her face: priceless. http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sea/274495936.html

France Upholds Ban on Paternity Tests http://www.avoiceformen.com/mens-rights/france-upholds-the-ban-on-paternity-tests/

Confessions: 7 reasons why women cheat By Chelsea Kaplan http://yahoo.match.com/y/article.aspx?articleid=12113&TrackingID=526103&BannerID=693282

Wife cried rape to keep her SIX-YEAR affair secret just a MONTH after her wedding http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2553220/Wife-cried-rape-six-year-affair-secret-monthwedding-avoids-jail.html

The Most Immoral Post Ever: How To Cheat On Your Boyfriend And Not Get Caught By Cris Pearson on June 12, 2014 http://www.zestyandgirly.com/the-most-immoral-post-ever-how-to-cheat-on-your-boyfriend-and-notget-caught/

My Wife is Cheating on Me.  http://mylifesuxnow.com/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/20150122043832/http://mylifesuxnow.com/index.html

Think men are the unfaithful sex? A study shows WOMEN are the biggest cheats – they’re just better at lying about it http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1211104/Think-men-unfaithful-sex-A-study-showsWOMEN-biggest-cheats–theyre-just-better-lying-it.html

I hate this generation of men. They wont’ accept my cheating. www. reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/60aisf/everything_you_need_to_know_about_modern_women/#bottom-comments

Colorado man forced to pay $730-a-month in child support to ex-wife despite DNA test proving he is NOT the father of her child http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3714674/Colorado-man-forced-pay-730-month-child-supportex-wife-despite-DNA-test-proving-NOT-father-child.html? ICID=ref_fark&ICID=ref_fark&ICID=ref_fark&ICID=ref_fark&ICID=ref_fark&utm_source=fark&ut m_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark


Summertime, and women’s thoughts turn to… cheating! Seven in ten are more likely to look for a lover online during the summer months More than four out of five women feel more desire for a lover in summer. Study of 4,400 people showed women are more likely to cheat than men http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3724698/Summertime-women-s-thoughts-turn-cheatingSeven-ten-likely-look-lover-online-summer-months.html

It’s not yours http://www.marriagebuilders.com/graphic/mbi5063a_qa.html

It’s not yours II http://www.marriagebuilders.com/graphic/mbi5063b_qa.html

Feminists fighting in Germany to keep adultery and paternity fraud covered up. I guess feminism isn’t really about equality. http://archive.is/c8V1R

My husband forgot Mother’s DAY flowers so I had sex with someones else http://nypost.com/2015/05/02/a-miserable-mothers-day-made-me-cheat-on-my-husband/

Mom Forces Ex-Boyfriend To Pay Child Support After DNA Test, But He’s Not Her Baby’s Father http://www.mommypage.com/2016/12/momforces-ex-boyfriend-to-pay-child-support-afterdna-test-but-hes-not-her-babys-father/ape_bt/? utm_source=ape_bt

Woman cheats, cries rape to cover up affair http://www.couriernews.com/view/full_story/27341403/article-Woman-files-false-rape-report? instance=viewed

A mother’s infidelity and the lie that left her son without a father http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2584799/A-mothers-infidelity-lie-left-son-withoutfather.html

When Your Daddy Is Not Really Your Daddy: A Man Successfully Sues His Ex-Wife for Paternity Fraud Damages https://verdict.justia.com/2012/10/16/when-your-daddy-is-not-really-your-daddy

Another feminist justifies paternity fraud http://cannold.com/articles/article/paternity-fraud-or-paternal-discrepancy/ By limited, she means do not to it too late when the child has bonded emotionally to you. In other words men, get your heads out of your asses, stop being so prideful thinking she’d never do it to you and get it done early. Some states say that if you do it before the child is two, you can leave. Because the child does not have the memory to form a bond with you and will forget you if you leave and they are only two. Do it early and GET THE FUCK OUT if you ain’t the daddy

Husband Sought Damages After Learning Wife’s Ex-Boss Fathered Two Children http://www.ctlawtribune.com/id=1202733204764/Husband-Sought-Damages-After-

Not your DNA you still must pay! http://rhinoden.rangerup.com/the-curious-case-of-staff-sergeant-parsons/

Married Olympian Runner becomes hooker http://www.msn.com/en-ca/sports/more-sports/olympian-suzy-favor-husband-okay-with-myhooking/vi-AAepAYL?ocid=mailsignoutmd

Actor Dave Foley’s horrible divorce experience in Canada http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaC-2lj6HNg

Dance teacher jailed after being caught having sex with 17-year-old student by husband’s private detective http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/dance-teacher-jailed-after-being-6391633

Who’s the Daddy http://www.spectator.co.uk/2010/10/whos-the-daddy/

Men It’s Time to Boycott Marriage Until the Laws Change and Here’s WHY!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbzOh1kbtJE

Women Cheat Almost Twice As Much As Men With 2x As Many Extra Partners http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DA-SEdN9Gk ‘Go Cheat on Your Husband’ – Advice From

Friends To Unhappy Wife! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYYI4YUr_r0 Actor Dave Foley’s divorce http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaC-2lj6HNg

Is Man found out child is not his – Child Support Horror Story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDqeHlqR5p8

Garnished For Child Support, Even Though He’s Not the Father! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofLonISUfpM

You are not the father, but you still have to pay child support. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxemLKqIOPI

Child support law ‘outrageous’ (Pay even if the kid ain’t yours) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TastJuDJHRg

And Women Wonder Why Guys Don’t Trust Them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uTsiiHod4I

WHO’S THE DADDY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6D2UmE7Yd8

DNA TESTING OPPRESSION http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhdX0C2FsGU

Robbing Chick and Her Larcenous Band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqqvlDlvaJg

A Woman’s Right to Deceive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLB2NRGVUEI

CHEATING WIVES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5baMYzVldg

Female Infidelity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mhbLfUFxlQ

The skank as a wife http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_QK1uG65Ew

Bachelorette parties http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x42eYmLxdjg

Married women and infidelity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQSN1C1x5Yw

Paternity Scam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nrODReF1eY

He Was “Hot”: It’s OK to Cheat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQcJK1xvu8Y

Women Cheat, Men Blamed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vN2FeYiIpQ

TL:DW Version A scottish man says to his girlfriend, I wanna go into the British army. It takes four years. You can leave me now. Or if you stick with me and wait, I can get some time off to come back and visit. If you cheat, you are dead to me. He leaves. Gets injured 4 weeks in. He can stay in the hospital on base, or go home with crutches. He goes home. Catches his girl cheating. Throws her and her new man out of the house. Changes the locks and blocks her on social media. A lawyer sends a letter saying he has to let her back in the house. Because they cohabited for TWO YEARS, their legal system regards them as married. She can get half his shit. Including the house the man’s mom willed to him before she died. Bill tells him to get a lawyer and fight it.

Snap Dragon1 week ago (edited)

I went through child support hell in Dallas, TX. My ex fucked another man near the end of our relationship, and then told the court I was the father for the support payments. The court in TX wouldn’t even allow me to get a paternity test WITHOUT her permission. The court would never have allowed me to get a paternity test. I was able (on my own) and without my wife’s approval, to get the paternity test. Of course the child wasn’t mine. In TX you have 2 years to dispute paternity once you become aware of paternity status and have the paternity results. After over $50k in legal bills and thousands in child support theft, I beat the case. Clearly, this is a system set up to keep women unaccountable and to keep the state from paying support. Her mother tells me she’s now doing the very same thing to yet another man with impunity.
New York state, if you sign the birth certificate, acknowledge paternity. Even if you asked for a paternity test first and it turns out you’re not the father, you’re still legally the father. ALWAYS ask for a paternity test before you sign shit or if you hear some skank you fucked got knocked up. It’s well worth the cost of the test…. Hell yeah I had a test done first. Heard far too many stories from friends. You have to know. You don’t want to be a cuck. My sister had to have three guys tested before she found out who the father was…
Who cares if the dates add up or not. She can fuck 10 other guys on the same day. You have to be really really stupid to sign without a paternity test.


Andrea’s SECRET (Cuckcolding Her Husband)


And you feminists have the nerve to pretend this doesn’t exist or either justify it. And then you still DEMAND we get married. Hah! Shaming language doesn’t work anymore. We aren’t coming back until the divorce laws/rulings change and proper compensation for paternity fraud happens 100% of the time.

You know why men are walking away now so you no longer get to pretend to not know why they are. You have been informed. If you choose to ignore reality, that’s on you. Bed. Made. Lie.